A Tale of Two Kids
A quick introduction for those stray non-family members that might find this blog. I'm a working mom with two kids, Jordan who is five and Kaitlyn (aka Katie) who is three. My children are the only set of grandchildren for three sets of grandparents and also have four dotting uncles. Can we say spoiled!! Despite my best efforts, the kids have actually turned out to be great kids and an endless source of amusement.
January 20, 2007
Happy Birthday Jordan!!
Jordan turned FIVE today!! Can you believe it?!?

As usual he was spoiled rotten. We gave him his presents from us this morning before anyone arrived. He got Lego, Lego and more Lego... oh and a shelving unit to store the Lego. He's been building these amazing, intricate little space ships and robots. Now we lose him up there for hours on end. Around lunch time the usual suspects arrived (minus Grandma Noreen, Grandpa Larry and Uncle Mike as Grandma had a class and Uncle Mike had to work). We had hot dogs and cake and enjoyed Jordan's enthusiasm for presents. Oh and spring rolls! We had wonderful, delicious spring rolls (Thank you Mellicent for making them for us!!).

Jordan got a lot of wonderful presents from his grandparents and great grandparents, but the gift that will stand out in my mind for a long time is the gifts from his uncles Ty & Ian. Ty bought him a MINI BIKE!! He bought it and fixed it up for Jordan, which was sweet, except that it's a MINI BIKE!!!!! It can go up to 80 KM/H !!!! He's FIVE!!! Ian was the slightly more sensible of the two and bought Jordan a proper helmet for the bike (but that's still aiding and abetting and if he gets hurt I'm coming after both of you!!).

Jordan also got a giant dump truck and digger, though I think Katie enjoyed it more than Jordan as he spent at least an hour driving her around the house in it (check out the pics).
posted by Krista @ 7:24 PM   0 comments
January 01, 2007
Happy New Year!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!!

As usual, my kids were spoiled rotten!! They had a wonderful Christmas!

It started on Christmas Eve with Little Grandma, Papa, Great Grandma & Great Grandad, Uncle Drew and Ronnie coming over for their traditional Christmas Eve festivities. We had a lovely time. Jordan was all about getting a present, it didn't even seem to matter what was in the present. Kaitlyn was the opposite. I had to take every single item out of the package so that she could play with each one and we had to encourage her to open another present.

Mellicent, her boyfriend Kevin and bestfriend Tin Tin joined us for Christmas morning and were sweet enough to bring us a Christmas morning feast. The present mayham continued. Midmorning Grandma Jo, Grandpa Skip, Uncle Ty, Uncle Ian and Michelle stopped by to see us. They only brought a few presents (the rest stayed at their house to be opened Boxing Day).

In the afternoon, Grandma Noreen, Grandpa Larry, Uncle Mike and Great Auntie Gay came for Christmas dinner. It was really nice to have my Mom and Auntie Gay there as they helped with the dinner prep and the feast was a surprisingly relaxed affair. Dinner was great and the kids were spoiled even more. Thanks so much Uncle Mike for the remote controlled MOUSE!! and the Rubix cube is a torture device (I will get even).

Boxing Day was a little more relaxed. I tried to get a sleep in, but Ty kept calling every 15 minutes. I think he was anxious for us to bring the kids over. To give you an idea just how spoiled my kids were, they have more garbage generated from their presents than most kids got in presents.

I'm posting some pics to the flickr thingy, so make sure you check them out!!

P.S. Jordan actually stayed up to ring in the new year with us. He's napping right now :-)
posted by Krista @ 3:07 PM   0 comments
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