A Tale of Two Kids
A quick introduction for those stray non-family members that might find this blog. I'm a working mom with two kids, Jordan who is five and Kaitlyn (aka Katie) who is three. My children are the only set of grandchildren for three sets of grandparents and also have four dotting uncles. Can we say spoiled!! Despite my best efforts, the kids have actually turned out to be great kids and an endless source of amusement.
September 03, 2006
Little Tiger - An Adventure in Patience

So Jordan got his first set of golf clubs. And his Dad braved the driving range with him on a busy Sunday afternoon. Now, I know what you're all thinking......."he's nuts". Well, yes...but I did it anyway. I'll back up a little, and tell you all about BUYING the clubs, because that was really the beginning of the adventure.......

We walked into Golftown together and 4 feet into the store I lost him. Yes they had a putting green inside the store. So, he was off, grabbing a $400 putter along the way and proceeded to "baseball-swing" at any ball he could see.........Luckily I managed to replace the $$$$ putter with a $12 clearance one before anyone else could see the potential "sale". After 10 minutes of this, he got bored, dropped the club and started wandering again. Over to the ball section. Great. Four year old and seven million little hard surlyn covered balls of destruction. Not a family shopping destination I quickly discovered. He wanted the bright pink ones..........and of course I quickly tried to think of a responsible, politically-correct, fatherly way of explaining to him that "pink" golf balls just aren't very macho............Try it now, not so easy is it? So I told him the pink ones are WAY too expensive. He got $1.99 wiffle balls instead. What can I say, I work with what I got. Finally, we made it to the back of the store where they keep all the kids clubs. Jordan picked up the first box he saw and loudly proclaimed that these were HIS clubs. And like sharks smelling blood in the water, 3, count them 3 salesmen appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Why? Because what father could say no to their kid enthusuastically starting down the road that Tiger paved. After what seemed to be hours listening to the salesman "convince" me that I should buy the $140 set that fits him now, as opposed to the slightly larger single club that will last him until next summer. After thanking and disposing of the salesman, I proceeded to negotiate with my entirely too brilliant son, who must have attended the same school of negotiating as the NHL owners last year.......He ended up with, yes, a full set of clubs, including bag, and rain cover. All for only $125. And the deal breaker point my son so brilliantly pointed out....."Dad, I should get THIS golf set because it's just my size, and then at Christmas you can buy me new ones that are my new size, AND we can give these ones to my sister!!!!!!"

How can I argue?

From there we needed food. Onto our usual Father/Son hang out, Boston Pizza. Fairly uneventful except for the fact he kept pointing out that he was drinking Jordan "beer", and that he should drink TOO much of it, but a couple cups are ok. So, he enjoyed his apple juice, me a much needed beer by this point. Pizza came, I ate mine, he wore his. Paid and piled into van and headed over to the driving range.

Well, I was planning on telling you all about the trip ito the range. But I am exhausted after reliving the purchasing escapade. check back later for the next chapter of "Little Tiger"
posted by Scott @ 6:31 PM  
  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Queenie said…

    Think of it as an investment, in 20 years you will be at the US open cheering in the the first Canuck to win a major since Weir.

    Though you mus now be aware that it is only a matter of time until Jordan beats you!!!

  • At 12:01 PM, Blogger Queenie said…

    Think of it as an investment, in 20 years you will be at the US open cheering in the the first Canuck to win a major since Weir.

    Though you mus now be aware that it is only a matter of time until Jordan beats you!!!

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