A Tale of Two Kids
A quick introduction for those stray non-family members that might find this blog. I'm a working mom with two kids, Jordan who is five and Kaitlyn (aka Katie) who is three. My children are the only set of grandchildren for three sets of grandparents and also have four dotting uncles. Can we say spoiled!! Despite my best efforts, the kids have actually turned out to be great kids and an endless source of amusement.
September 12, 2007
A New Phase of Life
I know you've all stopped reading this site, believing that I abandoned it long ago. And I pretty much had, but I'm resurrecting it to document a momentous couple of days.

Yesterday, Jordan started kindergarten. And today, Katie started preschool.

Despite the stereotypes and media portrayals of those first days, my kids entered this new phase of their lives without a tear, without a backwards glance, in fact, without even a goodbye (little snots).

For Jordan's easy transition, I give a lot of credit to his school and teacher. Last week each of the students in Jordan's class attended a fifteen minute individual interview. The interview gave the teacher a chance to subtly assess each child. The best part though was it gave Jordan a non-threatening chance to see where he would be going to school, allowed him to meet his teacher and learn about the routines. When he arrived at school yesterday, he knew where to line up, what to do when he got into the classroom and could concentrate on the most important thing... making new friends. Yesterday only half of the class attended and he's already made two friends, Logan & Alexander. He's already got a girl he really likes (but can't remember her name... I hope that's not a foreshadowing of the future). Today he'll meet the rest of his class (15 students in all) and I can't wait to hear about the new friends he made today. I'm so excited for him and for all of the new things he'll learn and the adventures he'll have.

For Katie's easy transition, I again have to give the credit to the school & teacher. Katie's preschool is the same one Jordan attended for two years. So she has two years of walking Jordan to preschool and wanting to stay and play. Two years of Jordan talking about the fun things he did. Plus, the wonderful teacher, offered a summer camp each of the last two summers. This camp was two weeks of 1/2 days where both Jordan & Kaitlyn attended. What a great way to transition Katie in, to be able to attend school with her big brother showing her the ropes. So, today when Katie walked to preschool with Mellicent & I, she was practically skipping. She was so excited and there wasn't a hint of nerves. She already knew a couple of the kids from summer camp and was off playing with them before we could even get out the door. The teacher had to make her stop and wave at us as we left.

Here's a pic of them from this morning (notice that Katie's already to go and Jordan's barely dressed)...

posted by Krista @ 9:34 AM  
  • At 11:42 PM, Blogger One Thing Better said…

    omg am I allowed to cry since I live as a Mommy vicariously through you.

    WAAAAAAAAHH!!!!! when did they get to be so big?

    but so cute in that pic!!!

  • At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    From birthday to starting school...life passes that fast. I hope we see another posting before he graduates! Kids are both sooooo cute!

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