A Tale of Two Kids
A quick introduction for those stray non-family members that might find this blog. I'm a working mom with two kids, Jordan who is five and Kaitlyn (aka Katie) who is three. My children are the only set of grandchildren for three sets of grandparents and also have four dotting uncles. Can we say spoiled!! Despite my best efforts, the kids have actually turned out to be great kids and an endless source of amusement.
February 26, 2006
Jordan's New Word
**Warning** Course language ahead

Jordan has a new word and it's my new favourite word. We were watching TV and he saw a volcano erupting. "Look Mom, it's a fuckano!" Can't you just see all the potential uses for that word? "If you don't stop, I'll go fuckano on your ass!" We all had a hard time not laughing whenever he says it.

Grandma Noreen, given his interest in fuckanos, was nice enough to show him how a baking soda/vinegar fuckano works. She even added food colouring and used her whole bottle of vinegar for him. Both kids thought it was great!

We had dinner at Little Grandma & Papa's for Uncle Drew's birthday and it was great. We haven't been over there for a while thanks to some wonderful colds floating around and it was great to see them. The kids were relatively well behaved and Drew had a blast pretending he was a T-Rex.

We got a great picture of Papa.

posted by Krista @ 9:23 PM   0 comments
February 24, 2006
Update on Katie
The appointment with the pediatrician was moved up to this morning. It was a 2 hour appointment. The doc wasn't too concerned about her height, though we will keep an eye on it. It might be a result of the other concern. Kaitlyn is definitely anemic. Normal hemogloben levels are around 115, Katie's were 52. She'll be taking an iron supplement 3 times a day for the next month and then we have a follow up appointment. We go back for the follwow up blood tests in three weeks. Whee! That'll be fun. Anyone else want to take her? Please? I don't blame you, I don't want to either. Looks like we'll be eating more steak for the next month. Scott will be so sad. :-)
posted by Krista @ 1:38 PM   0 comments
February 23, 2006

I love to have Jordan stay over. He is always soooo amusing.
Last night his Grandpa asked for a hug..Jordan said he was all out but could give him a kiss. I then told Jordan I couldn't hug him because I'm saving my hugs for special. He looked at me and said, "I'm special to you - I'm your Grandson!" He got a hug for that.
Earlier in the day Jordan and I were looking through old Lp records.. Jordan looks up at me and comments "These are sure big CD's"-you have to love this generation.
I took Jordan on his field trip to bowling. He was a way better cheer leader than he was a bowler. When the little girls got up for their turns he would raise both arms and chant..go Chelsea go (or the name of whoever came next.) When they turned around he gave them a two thumbs up. What a kid. What a charmer!
We headed over to the mall to kill some time. We got into the mall and Jordan said, " You are my Grandma and I have to listen to you." I said, "Yes" He continued.."and I'm your Grandson so you have to listen to me." I said, "Yes" He then looked me right in my face and said.."I want a toy." I told him he doesn't get a toy everytime he asks and he said, "It can be a cheap one."
We left and came home, without a toy.
I like to think I'm the boss.
The poor boy had to play with his two toys I bought him yesterday.
posted by Anonymous @ 4:45 PM   0 comments
February 22, 2006
I'm not sure who hurt more!
Since Jordan was spending the night at Grandma Jo's (I'm sure she'll post soon to share some Jordan stories), we decided to get Katie's blood test out of the way. The doc was concerned that since Katie's so pale, that she might be anemic. Considering her reaction to having her check up (she completely freaked when she saw the scale & the nurse), we weren't expecting this to be fun.

It was worse than I thought it would be. Daddy had to hold Katie in his lap while I helped hold her down. The first attempt involved two technicians trying to draw blood from her left arm. They dug around for what seemed like for ever, but I'm sure was less than a minute. Katie screamed and screamed and sobbed and screamed. This brought over another technician and they tried the other arm with success (the third technician was able to find the vein much faster), but Katie was beyond hysterical. My heart was breaking for her already and then she looked at me and cried "Mommy" and then "owwie" and "Mommy" again, all while reaching for me. But, we got it done. Hopefully we never have to do one again.

She did milk it for all it was worth. She would cry everytime she moved her arms or anyone tried to touch her arms, so I ended up feeding her. She sat on the couch and everytime she was ready for a bite she'd say "Pitta" (her version of Pizza). Once I put a long sleeve top on her, she was much improved and played with her Daddy quite happily until bedtime.

We're going to wait a few days before we try to collect the urine sample...
posted by Krista @ 8:33 PM   0 comments
February 19, 2006
Dinosaurs At Storeyum

Scott and I decided to be brave and take the kids downtown to see the Dinosaurs at Storeyum. We drove to the King George Skytrain station and took the Skytrain end to end. Jordan loved being on the Skytrain and spent most of the time looking out at the back window. Katie was amused by looking out the window for about half the trip. (Doesn't Daddy look like a thug?) Then, being the independent cuss that she is, she decided to stand the rest of the way. Anyone ever tried to stand on a Skytrain without holding on? Yeah, not a good idea. I had to catch her every time the train slowed or sped up. And every time I caught her, she'd get mad at me. Brat!

Once we got downtown it was a short walk to the exhibit (especially for Jordan who conned Daddy into carrying him). We bought our tickets (thank you Great Grandma & Great Grandad Gilbert) and went inside. We arrived just as a show was starting so we rushed in to catch it. It was very well done and Jordan loved the star attraction. He was the first to volunteer to help with the T-Rex and got to go behind the curtain and pet the T-Rex's tail! He was in heaven. After the show we wondered around and looked at the other exhibits. Another show started while we were still there and Jordan dashed into the front row. Just as the announcer was going to start the big climax bit where they drop the curtain and show off the big T-Rex, Jordan pipes up from his seat... "Excuse me, sir, is there a T-Rex behind the curtain?" and as while we groaned, the very nice announcer said "yes, I was just getting to that." It was very cute.

The ride home was much more relaxing as both kids were too tired to cause much fuss. Though Katie did flirt with the couple behind us and always has time to make ugly faces at her Daddy.
posted by Krista @ 5:51 PM   0 comments
February 17, 2006
Helping Katie Talk
As you know from previous posts, we took Katie to a speech therapist because we were concerned that her language skills aren't where they should be and that we found out that while she isn't where she should be, she's till within the "normal" range. The speech therapist gave us some handouts to help develop her speech. There were three handouts: The Two Year Old Talks, Help Your Preschooler's Language Grow and Children Who Have Trouble Learning Language. Now not all of the last one applies, as Katie's comprehension is above average, but it's still worth reading.
posted by Krista @ 10:22 AM   0 comments
February 15, 2006
Jordan's Feeling Better
Apparently Jordan is the more efficient puker. Katie, when she got sick on the weekend puked from 8 am until 3 am (19 hours). Jordan fit the same number of pukes into a 4 1/2 hour time frame.

I'm very happy to report that Jordan slept in until 10:30 this morning and hasn't puke at all today.
posted by Krista @ 3:06 PM   0 comments
February 14, 2006
Happy Valentines' Day
Katie's speech therapy assessment went well today. While she is talking less than she should be, she's still within the "normal" range. The therapist wasn't concerned as her comprehension is above average. We'll touch base with her again in six months.

As Joanne mentioned in her post, Jordan has now caught Katie's stomach bug. He doesn't handle puking very well at all. He gets himself into a full blown panic. Poor little guy. He's puked twice so far. At least the second was contained in a bucket. The first one was all over the van and I'm not looking forward to the drive tomorrow.

Okay, make that three times.

Okay, make that 15 times. Yup, pretty much every 5 - 10 minutes from 8 pm until after midnight. Yuck!
posted by Krista @ 9:11 PM   0 comments
If you ever think you are doing fine, feeling great...think you know lots, have your grandkids over. Today I spent the day with Jordan. He is so sweet and thoughtful (kind of.) You see he was thoughtful enough to spend his money on buying gifts for almost everyone. I took him to three Dollar Stores and he proceeded to buy gifts for most of the family. When he did not buy me something I asked "Are you going to buy Grandma something?" He answered, "No, you are too greedy." Brat!!!!! He gets that from his Mom, I tell you. The other family member that did not get a gift was his Uncle Ian because as Jordan says, "He has too much?" He even bought his uncles girlfriends gifts. I guess he had to seeing as he asked both of them to marry him.
After dinner tonight we decided to draw a dinosaur landscape...trees, lakes, a volcano. When I said we need to draw something coming from the volcano he looked at me like I'm an idiot and said "LAVA??" I momentarily forgot the word...geez, I am almost 49. I took him for a walk with the dogs and he comments on what a "nice and peaceful" day it is. This kid makes me laugh. He is so smart - he is actually scary. His mom just called to say he was sick on his way home. Great. I'm sure it wasn't the chocolate he ate or the frozen yogurt bar. My luck is he caught what his sister had. Which is just great because being the wonderful grandma I am, I
finished eating the frozen yogurt bar that he couldn't. If it is a flu bug...I'll be..............lets say "losing weight" in the near future. I'm off.. I think I'll change my handle from Joanne to Greedy Grandma!
posted by Anonymous @ 8:19 PM   1 comments
February 13, 2006
Goofy Faces
Katie's feeling much better. Tomorrow is her speech therapy appointment. I'll let you know how it goes. We took a bunch of goofy pictures of us making faces...

Can't you just hear him telling you off?
Ain't Daddy Cute

"Would you please stop taking my picture, I'm busy"

That's what I go when I asked for a funny face.

Anyone actually believe I'm Angelic?

posted by Krista @ 10:05 PM   0 comments
February 11, 2006
Princess Pukes-a-Lot Strikes Again

I don't know what it is with Katie, but she seems to have a sensitive stomach (like the rest of her). I don't know if she's more suseptible to stomach viruses, is allergic to something else that we haven't identified yet or what, but she seems to puke more than your average kid.

Pukes so far today: 5 (pretty much any time she ate)

The worst one was after eating lunch, she had a nap on me (not the usual, but we were at Grandma Jo's, Jordan had hockey and Katie was tired), she woke up and then puked a ton all over both of us. It was all Gran Jo and I could do not to join her. Sorry! I promise I won't go into any more details.

We were supposed to go to Steve's 30th surprise party tonight and I was really looking forward to it. Oh well, I hope Scott has a great time. I don't know who was more disappointed, me, Scott or Grandma N who was going to babysit the kids.

I'll let you know how she's doing.
posted by Krista @ 8:23 PM   2 comments
February 08, 2006
Bad Memory
Apparently Kaitlyn has a great memory and the ability to make associations. Last week she had immunizations. This week was her check up. As soon as she saw the scale, she started crying uncontrollably and whenever medical personnel came near, she'd cry harder. We got through the appointment finally, but it wasn't fun. I'm not looking forward to taking her for blood tests next (the doc just wants to check her iron levels 'cause she's so pale).

Jordan was cute today. Michelle, Ty's girlfriend (and Jordan's future bride (see "Here Comes the Bride" post below), had to leave for work. Jordan looked up at her and said, "you have to work? that sucks!" Gee, where'd he pick up that phrase? :-)
posted by Krista @ 8:31 PM   1 comments
February 07, 2006
Guys night out (with a 4 year-old)
So Jordan and I decided to go out on the town on Friday night....prowling about town for Dinosours and Big Trucks......We decided to hit the movies for some Guy-Flicks.......Wallace and Grommit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit......(quite funny actually!)....We then continued on to the local watering hole (Boston Pizza)...We had beers (apple juice for him)....My picky eating son (just like Dad!) decided on a Pepperoni pizza, thinking "great, he'll eat two pieces and I'll get a midnight snack too!" Nope. He inhaled the whole thing in about 12 mins. He then promply informed me that it was time for dessert. Chocolate Fudge Caramel Cake. Biggest piece of cake I've ever seen. Krista and I usually share one and don't finish. He ate 3/4 of it himself. Me being exhausted at this point wanted to go home. Jordan on the other hand was just getting started. He dragged me to Chapters (or as he calls it...the Library) and spent 45 minutes reading every Dinosaur book in the store. Finally deciding on the one with "only T-Rex". At 10:30pm, we finally headed home. He was still hungry when he got home and once again I relented and we ate chocolate chip cookies while reading his new book, and we promptly fell asleep midway through the story......
posted by Scott @ 1:13 AM   0 comments
February 05, 2006
Reading Baby

Okay, this is too cute! Katie got a hold of my new J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts) book and she's sitting on the bed with the book open pointing to the words on the page. As she points to each word, she says one of the words she knows. Puppy. Fries. Rice. Flowers. Dragon. Gee, do you think she'll be a book lover like the rest of her family?

posted by Krista @ 10:03 AM   0 comments
February 03, 2006
The Vest

Check out Katie's new, way too cute, vest...

My friend went shopping for her stepdaughter and saw the vest and couldn't resist buying it. It's so cute. Katie kept picking it up and trying to put in on herself. Oh and try to ignore the goofy face, this is what I get now when I ask her to smile for the camera.

Jordan's friend gave him this really neat gift for his birthday. It's essentially a box of coloured straws and connectors. Well, Jordan and his Daddy have been building structures and airplanes, and all sorts of weird contraptions. Other than the fact that I have permanent imprints from those connectors in the soles of my feet, it's been a great toy.

Thanks for the comments!
posted by Krista @ 8:17 AM   0 comments
February 01, 2006
Painting with Daddy
Now part of the purpose of this blog is to record some of the things my kids do ('cause my memory is not so good these days). So here's a story from a little while ago...

Scott finally got around to painting the living room and stairwell. Of course Jordan wanted to help his Daddy. Cringing yet? Now, keep in mind Jordan already has some painting experience (he helped paint Mellicent's room - picture on the top-left)... though come to think of it, that might be why Scott was cringing (click on the picture to see a larger version, so that you can see the paint dripping off the brush).

But Daddy was very brave and let both Jordan and Katie "help" him paint the downstairs hallway. Doesn't he look like he's having fun?

posted by Krista @ 9:29 PM   2 comments

Katie's getting her shots toay. Her 18 month shots at 22 months (oops!). I hope she's not feeling too bad tonight. Will update more later. Katie and Daddy came to pick me up at work after her shot. I tried to take her around the offices to say hi to people, but whenever she was walking she'd start to sob. Her little leggies were sore. She's feeling better now and will hopefully sleep through the night.

Katie has another new word. While at the shot place, her Daddy called her over so that he could put her pants on. She shook her head and said "sorry". He called her again. She said "uh uh, sorry". Too cute, but is she ever going to be a handful as she gets older.

Leave comments!!

posted by Krista @ 2:22 PM   0 comments
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